
        Union Winter 2024
        If you love skating and enjoy the Roller Express experience, don’t miss the Union Winter event! For the second year, this event takes place from 11 AM to 8:30 PM at TD West Carriageway, located at 65 Front Street West....
        اگر عاشق اسکیت هستید و از تجربه Roller Express لذت می‌برید، ایونت Union Winter  را از دست ندهید. این ایونت، برای دومین سال از ساعت ۱۱ صبح تا ۸:۳۰ شب در TD West Carriageway واقع در شماره ۶۵ خیابان Front Street West برگزار می‌شود. یک پیست غلتکی Roller Rink مرتفع...

        Atash reports from various events are based on information received from their website. Please, if you plan to attend any of them, be sure to check their website before you go. There is always a possibility of change.